Nopparuj Poonsubanan

I'm a fourth-year Computer Engineering student at Chulalongkorn University with hands-on experience in machine learning applications, full stack development, DevOps practices, and Linux administration. My resume can be found here.


Fraud Alert System
Siam Commercial Bank
  • Integrate Kafka to efficiently consume and process suspicious transactions
  • Design and schedule cron jobs to run batch services daily
  • Construct and manage a Jenkins pipeline for continuous integration and deployment, enhancing system reliability and reducing deployment times
Home Service Application
Sansiri (Mobile & Web Solution)
  • Develop a system that can enable/disable the operation of services for each project
  • Implement real-time chat service between residents and project managers using Vue.js integrating with Firebase
Waste-Segregation Guide
Sansiri (Mobile & Web Solution)
  • Design robust database structures using Microsoft SQL Server to ensure data integrity and optimize query performance
  • Build robust backend systems with ASP.NET, facilitating data management, business logic execution, and seamless integration with front-end applications
  • Develop a comprehensive web application using Vue.js
Parkinson's Diseases Patient Detection
Chulalongkorn University
  • Utilize machine learning to screen for Parkinson's disease in a web application using Next.js, Tailwind CSS
  • Implement backend services in Go, setting up Google OAuth and cookies for user authentication
  • Using CI/CD pipelines with GitHub Actions for deploying a Docker image to Kubernetes
BERT Multilabel Engineer
Chulalongkorn University
  • A multi-label text classification project using BERT for categorizing engineering literature into 18 subject areas
Software-Defined Systems Project
Chulalongkorn University
  • Develop a microservices-based web application for mathematical computations and deploy it as a Docker container using Ansible and Kubernetes on multiple Raspberry Pi devices
  • Set up Linux monitoring system with Grafana
BART Comment Summarizer
Chulalongkorn University
  • Develop a machine learning model with the function of summarizing comments on 'Rate My Professor'
Noodle Voice Order
Chulalongkorn University
  • Create speech-to-text web application for ordering noodles by utilizing machine learning
  • Develop a machine learning model to recognize noodle components
Chulalongkorn University
  • Developed a matchmaking application to connect trainers with trainees, leveraging Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript for the frontend, and Go with MongoDB for the backend
  • Implemented WebSocket for real-time chat functionality, enhancing user interaction
  • Integrated Google Maps API to display user locations, improving the service's usability and navigation
Programming Methodology Teacher Assistant
Chulalongkorn University
  • Design examination to evaluate students' understanding of OOP principles in Java
  • Held office hours to provide individualized assistance
  • Simplified complex programming topics for better student comprehension
Computer Programming Teacher Assistant
Chulalongkorn University
  • Setup and maintenance VM to facilitate exam environment for students
  • Held office hours to provide individualized assistance
  • Simplified complex programming topics for better student comprehension

Bachelor of Computer Engineering
Chulalongkorn University
Contact Info

Github: nopparujp


LinkedIn: Nopparuj Poonsubanan